Tuesday 11 April 2017

Good things happen in threes?

So, I had another post in mind. For about a month infact. I'll parahprase it, feeling bad is bad. 

OK, that's too short.  I did a book swap and I didn't like it. The other author's writing style was too different, and I had to tell him to abort the swap.
He was pleasant about it, but I felt bad. And it was discouraging for me.
But (considering that update obsolete) I'd rather talk about good things.

It's taken a while to get my 'feelers' out into the workplace, but I had a job interview lined up for Friday. Interesting position, interesting company, looked good. Actually, I had an interview on Thursday morning and another on Thursday afternoon, so I was also impressed how quickly the company was moving.
Of course Friday morning at 3am my wife went into labour. If you can find her and talk to her, she can tell you the story of the birth of Finley, but it's perhaps most interesting because it's such a story of positivity. It was a natural birth, with very little pain, and a lot of mental strength from my amazing wife. Holywood's lying to you!  (Surprise!)
We got home at 4pm, with our beautiful son, exhausted, emotional and absolutely thrilled. We ran round like mad tidying the flat, getting everything into position for our new kid.
And I thought I better check my email, because I'd had to cancel the job interview, and I wanted to make sure they knew I wasn't coming. And I had an email. A request for a full. I barely knew how to react, but I sprinted across the flat, into the room where my wife was holding my son, and told them, brimming with pride and excitement.
For budding authors, here's what happened: I sent out a number of queries to American agents, around 250 words, and every time I read the query I thought "this misses the mark..." but I had been so excited to try and persuade them my book was great... well... I jumped the gun.
I also started researching UK agents, who look for a much smaller query, but also ask for the first 2 chapters. I sent a 70 word query to one agent, the synopsis and first 2 chapters, and then decided I should polish it more rather than making the same mistake.
 2 Months after the UK request, I got a request for a full. Which also means the first 2 chapters must be good!  
Needless to say I'm immensely proud. Step 1 of launch achieved. Step 1 of finding a job achieved. And most of all, 'having a family': achievement unlocked.

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